Polidocnal - Vein Center of the Palm Beaches
Mon - Fri : 9:00 - 5:00
955 Sansburys Way, Suite 209 West Palm Beach


Polidocanol is an injection that is used in conjunction with sclerotherapy to irritate the vessel walls and eventually they will shrink and collapse to be absorbed by the body. Eventually new tissue will replace the space of the spider vein.

  • Why is Polidocanol Beneficial?
    • Small injections are used to minimize discomfort
    • It is a short procedure
    • Generally only a few treatments are needed
    • Minimally invasive
    • FDA Approved
  • Why Polidocanol?
    • Polidocanol is used to shrink and ultimately rid the body of very small spider veins. Polidocanol improves  the appearance of the spider veins immensely.
  • Is the procedure painful?
    • Slight discomfort may be felt from the injections, but is easily remedied with over-the-counter medications.
  • How long does recovery take?
    • You may resume normal activity and walk after the procedure but strenuous activity is discouraged.
  • Are there risks involved with this procedure?
    • Some bruising or irritation may occur after your procedure. Complications are extremely rare. Dr. Navarro will review any potential dangers in detail at your consultation and answer any questions you may have.